Designer Rentals
Discover our curated collection of designer brands that we exclusively carry such as V. Chapman, Zimmermann, Bronx and Banco, Cult Gaia and more. Rent the latest trends and styles for any occasion.

Discover the perfect outfit for every occasion at 27 Dresses & Co. Our extensive collection of exclusive name brand dresses and accessories is designed to make you look and feel your best. Whether you're a bride, bridesmaid, or attending a wedding, cocktail party, or special event, we have the perfect dress and accessories for you. With our hassle-free rental service and no subscriptions required, you can have access to a wide range of designer dresses without breaking the bank. Browse through our selection today and let us help you find your dream dress.
Renting designer dresses has never been easier than with 27 Dresses & Co. Here's how our rental process works:
Browse our extensive selection of high-quality clothing and accessories from top designers to find the perfect outfit for your event.
Find a product you love and choose your delivery option (local pickup/delivery or shipping). No subscriptions required.
Receive your rental in pristine condition, ready to make you feel confident and look amazing. Rental duration is 14 days.
After use, simply return the rental via local delivery or shipping, and we'll handle the dry cleaning process. It's that easy!
Styling Services
Finding the perfect outfit for a special event can be challenging, but with our consultation styling services, we're here to help. Whether you're a bride searching for outfits for all of your upcoming events, or if you have a specific style, size, or color request, we have you covered. Our team will work with you to curate an outfit that showcases your unique style and makes you feel confident and beautiful. We offer one hour styling sessions complimentary with your rental purchase. Sessions are virtual or in-person if local to DFW. Book your session or contact us for more information on how we can assist you.​
Our Story
Get to Know Us
At 27 Dresses & Co., we understand the struggles of finding the perfect dress for any and every occasion. As a group of friends who have collectively been a bridesmaid 27+ times (and counting!), we know firsthand the excessive cost and waste that goes into buying a new dress for every event. That's why we've created a clothing rental service that offers designer styles at a fraction of the cost. Our stylish and sustainable solution is perfect for those looking to make a statement without breaking the bank.